Specialisms | Dane Writes

I’m a quick learner, a versatile writer who’s happy to turn his hand to anything. Throughout the years, I’ve worked for all sorts of clients, from rappers and rental car companies to internationally-recognised technology giants, local businesses and even a hair colour remover. I’m more than happy to write about anything, as long as it takes my fancy. That said, there are a couple of areas that I focus on in particular.



I offer a unique insight into the publishing industry as both an author and a book blogger. I’ve had my eye on the publishing industry throughout my entire career, and I’ve worked with a diverse bunch of clients including both Publishing Addict and some of the work that I did with KYO. I’m known and respected within the publishing industry and have plenty of contacts to tap into, as well as first-hand experience with the publishing process. I’ve even carried out many of the different roles, from editing and proofreading to marketing and managing authors. The publishing industry is where my passion lies, and it’s where I do much of my best work.



Prior to going freelance, I spent six years working at marketing agencies across a wide range of clients, specialising in blogging and social media marketing. I’m a huge believer in inbound and content marketing, and I’ve written numerous articles throughout the years on just about every aspect of online marketing. I’ve even spoken at conferences in London and Milan, and my first non-fiction book, Social Paranoia, is about how consumers and brands can stay safe in a connected world. I’m one of those millennial types who spends most of his life connected to the net from behind a computer screen.



I’ve always had an interest in technology, and it’s a common theme throughout much of my writing, as well as for my freelance work. I’ve worked on everything from anti-virus software to managed hosting and cybersecurity, and there’s no techie subject that I don’t have an interest in. Publishing and marketing are my main course, but technology is my scrumptious dessert. I find it refreshing to write about new technologies and the implications that they have for the wider world.


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Want to know more about my specialisms? Click here to take a look at some recent case studies, or click here to get in touch with me.