Clients | Dane Writes

Open Sourced Workplace [CASE STUDY]

Apr. 8, 2019 by

Open Sourced Workplace is a community for business owners and workplace professionals seeking to share information, knowledge, insights and experiences for the collective purpose of maximising employee experience for every

Artknews [CASE STUDY]

Feb. 16, 2018 by

  ArtKnews is a digital magazine by art lovers, for art lovers. It has a particular focus on the cutting edge of contemporary art, music, literature and more and its

LeadsForward [CASE STUDY]

Feb. 16, 2018 by

  LeadsForward is a Rhode Island based lead generation company with a unique approach to how they charge their clients. Specialising in working with contracting companies and home improvement agencies,

Cydney O’Sullivan [CASE STUDY]

Nov. 23, 2017 by

  Cydney O’Sullivan, co-founder of the Experts Success Network and Motivational Speakers, is an entertaining speaker who helps others thrive in their fields by clearing their bottlenecks to marketing and

Alexander Michael [CASE STUDY]

Oct. 2, 2017 by

  Alexander Michael is an accounting business consultancy with a difference. They’re much more than simple accountants – they also partner with experts in all sorts of fields to provide

Everhour [Case Study]

Jul. 6, 2017 by

  Everhour is the #1 employee time management software, designed to encourage teams to stay productive through a well-structured workflow while reducing administrative burdens. It integrates with Asana, Pivotal, Basecamp,

Get The Lead Out [Case Study]

Jun. 25, 2017 by

  Get the Lead Out is an American company that offers country-wide coverage to both private and commercial properties. They specialise in lead paint and asbestos testing, as well as